AISE Charter 2020+: Symposium i Bryssel den 12 februari

Den 12 februari 2020 anordnar vår europeiska branschförening AISE ett symposium om Charter 2020+, branschens frivilliga initiativ om hållbar rengöring. Eventet hålls i Bryssel och riktar sig till företagen inom tvätt- och rengöringsmedelsbranschen. AISE kommer att presentera den nya uppdaterade Charter 2020+ för deltagarna.

Launched in 2005, the Charter has been regularly updated and has now been upgraded to be even more responsive and relevant, aligned with EU circular economy and plastics policy, climate change priorities and with global policy expectations (more info here: Charter 2010 members are invited to migrate to the upgraded version by 30 June 2020.

We are organising this first Symposium for Charter 2010 and 2020+ members and other companies of our industry sector which are interested in our initiatives. We will also gather representatives from our industry network, stakeholders as well as partners in the value chain to make sure to strengthen cooperation and identify potential synergies.  

Mer information och anmälan.

Eventuellt kommer BPHR att anordna ett informationsseminarium om Charter 2020+ i anslutning till årsmötet våren 2020 (datum ej fastslaget ännu).